Stella Artois Needed More Volume at On-Premise Accounts
Target City: Los Angeles
What We Did
- Stella gave us a list of non-buy accounts they wanted to work with
- We selected 50 events at these accounts that our audience would love and added them to our 2018 DoLA Guide To Summer, creating a large media campaign that put Stella at the center of summer for all of LA
- This led to rooms at full capacity, very happy accounts, and high volume for Stella beyond the summer season and campaign wrap.
- 25 non-buy accounts secured

How We Did It
Localized Experiences
In non-buy accounts, we partnered up all summer long to help produce turnkey events, from bingo nights to sports watch parties, we celebrated summer with Stella Artois in hand.

Whether you want to work with us on telling your brand's story in our cities or you just want to say hi, please fill out this form and it will reach the appropriate person at DoStuff. We’ll get back to you shortly!